Departments » Human Resources Division » Absence Management System

Absence Management System

Employee Absence Reporting Requirements
The District utilizes Frontline Absence Management (Formerly AESOP) for employee absence reporting and substitute management.  All employees are required to report their absences utilizing this system, which can be completed online or by phone.  Employees are required to report their absences before the start of their normal work day and should refer to their Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for more specific requirements.
User Instructions
A phone ID and PIN are required to utilize this option.
  1. Dial (800) 942-3767
  2. Enter your ID, Press #
  3. Enter your PIN, Press #
  4. Select the option below.
  5. If creating an absence, save your confirmation number for future reference
The following options are available:  
  • Press 1 - Create an absence (within the next 30 days)
  • Press 2 - Check your absence reason (entitlement) balances - Coming Soon!
  • Press 3 - Review upcoming absences
  • Press 4 - Review a specific absence
  • Press 5 - Review or change your personal information
Employees may update their own account information online:
  1. Log into Frontline Absence Management
  2. Go to the "Account Tab"
The following are a few of the options available for user updates: 
  • Change your PIN Number
  • Upload Shared Attachments (Lesson Plans, Classroom Rules, etc.)
  • View Absence Reason Balances - Coming Soon!
  • Manage Your Preferred Substitutes
User Resources