Departments » Human Resources Division » COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 Information

District Procedures
The Inglewood Unified School District is committed to protecting the health and safety of our students, staff, and community.  The District has established procedures following federal, state, and local public health guidance and protocols for preventing and responding to COVID-19 exposures in our school community.
Positive Cases
Complete a COVID-19 Case Reporting Form and follow the Isolation Protocols below.
  Asymptomatic Symptomatic
Isolation   No Isolation Isolate until fever-free for 24 hours
Other symptoms are mild and improving
Wear a Mask   10 Days After Positive Test 10 Days After Onset of Symptoms
Testing     Not Required to Continue Working   Not Required to Return to Work
Return to Work   Continue Working Return to Work per Isolation Guidance Above
A clearance is not required to return to campus. Employees must utilize their personal leave balances for COVID-19-related absences.
Close Contacts
Close Contact refers to the following types of exposure to an infected individual during the infectious period for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more during a 24-hour period: 
  • Sharing the same indoor space (400,000 cubic feet per floor)
  • Within 6 feet in large indoor spaces (greater than 400,000 cubic feet per floor)
  Asymptomatic Symptomatic
Wear a Mask   Indoors around others for 10 Days After Last Exposure
Testing     Within 3-5 Days After Exposure   Immediately
Return to Work   Continue Working   If the test result is positive, stay home and follow the Isolation Instructions above  
Employees should see their school site office manager or administrative secretary for a COVID-19 test kit.
Public Health Guidance
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) has adopted a staged approach, supported by science and public health expertise, for schools serving students from transitional kindergarten through grade 12 (TK-12), early childhood education (ECE), and organized youth sports. In addition to the conditions imposed on schools by the State Public Health Officer and the California Department of Education, schools must also comply with any requirements contained in their guidance documents.